
Poetry and Me

I flirted with Poetry for many years,
with spurts of writing occurring
over the decades.
Poetry became a lover a few years ago.
We had many passionate encounters.
Two years ago,
I asked Poetry to marry me.
She agreed.
I do my best to be an attentive spouse.
I meet her daily to let her move
through me,
around me,
with me.
I can’t imagine my life without her.

Do you also want a life with Poetry? As a flirtation? As a lover? As a spouse?
Sign up for The Initiation. A 30 day experience with Poetry.

Spoken Word

"Poetry is not a fancy way of giving you information; it's an incantation. It is actually a magic spell. It changes things; it changes you."

Philip Pullman


She Speaks

23 June 2022

Radiant Mother Nature sits beside me under an immense tree. She has a message for me. Her lips part, but instead of words I hear: Warbling bird song. Ocean waves against a shore. Rain falling on earth. Gurgling rivers. Wind rustling through tree leaves. I listen even closer. I can hear: Ants walking on soil.…

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Rain Lullaby

13 June 2022

Rain wraps itself around us, Low grey clouds thick garments for the hills that welcome the adornment. Water from the sky meets water on the earth, sweet raindrops losing themselves in salty seas. I lose myself in soothing melodies on corrugated iron. Tiny percussionists, their single beat, an essential part of this symphony, this liquid…

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Heart Art

12 June 2022

Shed your armour Leave it at the door It becomes you no more The pain you hide from keeps knocking at your door All that energy spent keeping it at bay So it doesn’t have its say You scream, go away But maybe one day Perhaps you’ll say, ok the pain can stay And have…

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The Body is Innocent

23 April 2022

Can you love your body the way you love your own child, your pet, your morning coffee? Can you love your body as you would a glorious sunset or magnificent moonrise? Drop your wardrobe of judgement and shame. Gaze upon the pure innocence of form. This ‘bodying’, continuously shifting, moving, growing. Cells living and dying…

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Wind Swept

23 March 2022

Today I was ravaged. The wind took any semblance I had of poetry, and flung it into disarray. Words were whipped from my lips, scattered across a near-gale-gusts buffeted landscape. Ideas from my mind stolen by torrents of air, thrown into chaos before they could fully form. Telephone wires hummed, as God’s fingers plucked at…

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All the Times

26 February 2022

For all the times I have sold my sex in the pursuit of feeding my ego mind. For all the times I have used it as a balm for the unloveable wound. I now offer my sex to the Divine. I allow the Gods and Goddesses to ravish me. To take my wet, juicy, pulsing…

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Body Speaks to Mind

17 February 2022

I want to dance more. Feel the movement of our spine, our hips. I want to walk more swim more, sing more, breathe deeper. Feed me better. Give me more water. Both in me and around me. Remember, I am your temple. Come. Feel me. All of me. Touch me more, get others to touch…

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Body Never Forgets

22 October 2021

Twenty six years since My body was with yours Three years since I heard from you Yet a few written words melt the years and distance away My body remembers As if it were yesterday Like horses rushing home As if you have always been the destination

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17 October 2021

You play the role of sacred witness to all the parts of me that Clamour and clamber to the surface Desperate to be seen You are the most gracious of audiences Your gaze attentive As each role unfurls before you Demanding attention akin to all three year olds Mommy/Daddy, look at me, look at me…

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Sign up to receive my Poetry

The Initation

'30 Days of Poetry' Writing Groups

poetry pic WS

Join our sacred poetry and writing container for 30 days where a WhatsApp group of three to five people (including myself) share their work with each other. It is unguided and unstructured.

The group is to inspire each other and hold each other accountable to write one piece of writing per day.

Use this opportunity to meet your craft. I invite you to use it as a spiritual practice.

Your daily offering can be written, spoken word and improv spoken word. You can include pics, recordings, videos.

The Initiation is currently $USD33 or $23/R300 for the global south.

Starting on the first of the month

The 30 days of poetry was an invitation to be accountably productive poetically speaking.

Knowing a poem was going to emerge from the day, my senses were more attuned to moments which otherwise may have gone unnoticed. Actually writing the poem each day was a glorious process of distillation of those moments.

Reading the other participants's poems was a privilege and joy.


Participating in the 30 days of poetry gave my poems a compass as well as a container to breathe in. It was a gift to open my writing senses with intention & to know that they had an open hearted space to land in everyday. It wasn't about perfecting each piece but more around the practise of standing in my expression without it having to make sense. Even if it was just a single line that made it onto the page in a day. That was enough. After the 30days it became part of my natural flow in a day. I missed it once it came to a close & am grateful to say I am meeting the page more frequently since. Thank you for the ignition Tara, wishing you & those who gather for these in the future continued inspiration & illumination.


Having partaken in Tara's poem-a-day extravaganza,  I've made some remarkable discoveries about how creativity manifests.  And how the Kaj bit of the Universe expresses the Universe. 

Although I approached each day's poem like a grumpy schoolboy begrudging homework, I always came out the other side uplifted and reminded of my interconnectedness to everything.   

It was a game-changer for me. 

To just show up was reward enough. But what came through me was surprisingly bountiful and life-affirming.


I want to share a little of what an unexpectedly profound and moving experience, being in this sacred container with you, has been.

The process was challenging and difficult at times, but I have found that even when I wasn't flowing and had to force myself to keep the commitment, the result had a deep gift or insight for me.  I have found the capacity to express some deep soul and self truths that I have not been able to express through numerous other avenues and modalities including psychotherapy, Jungian analysis, plant medicines and shamanic constellation therapy. 

I also found magic in reading all of the poems and sensing a field we constellated for a time that was very connected.  On quite a few occasions I had a theme or expression brewing in me, and then one of the group would post their poem covering that very theme in a new and different way. So I really want to express my eternal gratitude to you Tara for sharing this practice and facilitating the safe, uncommented, un-judged space where I have found a way to articulate things I have never before been able to.  And thank you to my other group members for participating with me, witnessing and sharing your magic.  

I am changed forever and pray I never forget this and keep up this commitment to writing and sharing it somehow.


I notice how sitting in front of a piece of white paper and letting the words come is helping me to understand myself better, but mostly it's a way of getting in touch with my feelings.

I'm also using my entries in therapy, and it helps the therapist to understand me better.

Feeling grateful for this challenge.


I have been doing Tara's 30 days of Poetry for several consecutive months now. I can not more highly recommend it. The daily practice has changed my life. The commitment to checking in deeply with myself every single day. The daily elegant efficiency of distilling out the essence of what is most alive in me in the present moment. The journaling of my unfolding process. The practice of excavating my authentic truth in a nutshell, of learning to find my words, of processing my experiences and expressing my emotions fully, of finding my boundaries along with my creative flow. Of cultivating my mind into a playful companion. Of scribing the narrative so I can finally let it go. Complete freedom of expression into a safe confidential container able to hold it all. Cathartic and contained, deep healing, a kind of group therapy for the soul.
It's next level.
Potent Powerful Medicine.


My experience of Tara’s Poetry Initiation has been so rich. Thirty days quickly turned to sixty days and I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to stop?!

Weaving words and truth in such a unique setting has enriched my days with clarity, satisfaction and meaning. What a unique experience — to be held accountable for showing up each day, to witness such a colourful range of poetic perspectives, and to share so openly with strangers. This practice has expanded the way I observe and perceive, as if I am learning a new language or relearning an ancient one.

What an honour and a pleasure to have been initiated into the world of poetry by a guide as graceful and gorgeous as Tara. Her energy specifically plays a big role in the way I find myself showing up in this space. She possesses a depth and wisdom that make this experience what it is. This container has left me feeling more myself than when I started, and I am deeply grateful.

Thank you, Tara, for creating an environment that feels so safe and supported, and is so alive with playfulness, tenderness, humour, inspiration, catharsis, creativity and feeling.


In person:
Fish Hoek, Cape Town, South Africa

Online sessions available.

© 2025 Tara Rose Coaching - Tantra in Cape Town. Privacy policy.