Family Constellations

We hold a space where Love is Made Visible and provide a unique opportunity to See What Is.

Watch this 2-minute video to learn more about constellation work:


The Principles Behind Family Constellations
Bert Hellinger identified three governing principles within family systems:

  1. Belonging: Every family member has an inherent need to belong. We are born into or marry into the family, and every member—past or present—has their rightful place.
  2. Social Order: There is a natural hierarchy within the family, typically following chronological order. For example, partnership comes before parenthood, and the eldest sibling comes before the youngest.
  3. Equilibrium: Healthy relationships thrive on a balance of giving and receiving. When this balance is disrupted, relationships can struggle, and systemic symptoms may appear.

When one or more of these principles is out of balance, it can result in entanglements that stop us from living fully. Constellations restore order and balance, freeing individuals from unconscious patterns.

When to Consider Family Constellations
Family Constellations can address a wide range of issues, including:

  • Healing conflicts in relationships (with yourself, partners, family, or friends).
  • Overcoming feelings of not belonging or being disconnected from yourself.
  • Career and financial challenges.
  • Physical health conditions.

Systemic symptoms can manifest as illnesses, mental health issues, recurring relationship patterns, or a failure to thrive financially. These symptoms often point to unresolved entanglements in the family system. By acknowledging and addressing these patterns, the client can move out of the role of “symptom bearer,” allowing autonomy and a sense of peace to be restored.

Family Constellations: Healing through the Knowing Field

Family Constellations is a transformative, body-based therapeutic modality that works within the realms of the Collective Conscience, often referred to as the Knowing Field. This unique field enables us to uncover unconscious scripts, patterns, and systemic dynamics that traverse generations and family relationship systems. Through this process, we bring clarity and healing to what was previously hidden.

We hold a space where Love is Made Visible, offering participants a profound opportunity to See What Is. By illuminating these invisible forces, we can begin to release old patterns, accept the past, and step into creating fulfilling lives. This work moves us beyond the victim-rescuer paradigm, empowering us to live with autonomy and peace.

What are Family Constellations?
Developed by the German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger, Family Constellations explores the individual as part of a greater whole – a family system – rather than as an isolated entity. Behavior, feelings, and attitudes are deeply influenced by this larger context. Within every family system, unspoken laws and hidden dynamics operate beneath the surface, shaping our lives in ways we are often unaware of.

Suffering arises when these systemic laws are violated. This isn’t done out of rebellion but out of “blind love” – an unconscious loyalty to the family that can perpetuate pain, illness, and unresolved trauma. Family Constellations bring these dynamics to light, offering the possibility for resolution and harmony. Whether participating individually or in groups, the Knowing Field supports our pure intentions, working in the highest interests of all involved.

How Does a Constellation Work?
In a group setting, participants represent members of a client’s family and are positioned in the space according to the client’s intuitive feelings. This process creates a living model of the family system, where representatives often experience the same feelings and thoughts as the actual family members they represent. It reveals an energy field that holds the essential information of the systemic field, guiding the constellation toward resolution.

Constellations can also be done individually using figurines, paper placeholders, or virtual tools. In both cases, the process allows the client to access insights and healing by realigning systemic dynamics in a way that respects the natural order and laws of the family.

It’s important to note that healing lies between the individual and their soul. It is not our role to “heal” anyone, but rather to provide the context where healing can naturally occur. The Knowing Field offers profound insights and supports the unfolding of what is in the highest interest of everyone involved. Whether you participate as a client, representative, or witness, the process often creates ripple effects, touching everyone present.

Join a workshop, book a session, and begin your journey toward harmony and connection with your ancestors.

"As we move beyond duality - the ultimate sacredness of everything starts to become tangible."

Richard Higgins

Tara is an amazing healer. My first constellation was with Tara, and it was incredibly liberating, healing and powerful. Thank you for a wonderful experience.


I have experienced family constellations before, but not with Tara - I am happy I found her! She held the space with a firm guiding wisdom, and was able to help facilitate healing for many of us. She takes her time and is highly sensitive to the work she is doing. I'll probably be back for more soon! Thank you Tara.


As Family Constellations facilitator during on online session, Tara's relaxed and natural manner puts everyone at ease. She is attuned, attentive and directs with adroit confidence. Although I was nervous to start with, I could quickly trust that I was in skilled hands and by the end I felt moved, energised, and cared for. Thank you Tara!


In a space that relies on feeling and navigating energies, I was most grateful for and impressed by the feminine energy that Tara embodied as the facilitator of our family constellation. Tara's ability to intuitively shift and flow with the group dynamic, and her complete trust in Divine guidance allowed me to fully trust her. I am looking forward to being guided under Tara's facilitation again.


Tara Rose is a Family Constellation facilitator of the utmost insight and care. Bringing to this role a powerful spiritual practice and deeply refined intuition, Tara is able to navigate groups through the most difficult terrain. Having now worked with many facilitators, I can say without hesitation that Tara is of the highest echelon. And speaking personally, the constellation Tara facilitated for my family system led to a profound shift that has opened up a difficult relationship with a parent that had previously felt intractable. She brings this same combo of finesse and deep compassion to her work as a Zen Coach. I cannot recommend working with her enough.


Family constellations was introduced to me experientially in the most unexpected and utterly delightful way! I had always wanted to try it, but until I experienced it through the ingenious facilitation by Tara Rose, I had not appreciated how deep, wide and expansive this process actually is. I learnt in a short process that you can use this powerful modality to connect to literally anything, everything and anyone.

Tara has the gift of word and the ability to not only guide so succinctly, but to bring so much humour, laughter, lightness and poetry to this active and potentially life changing modality. I will definitely be doing it again.

Thank you Tara for such an amazing introduction!!

Mandy-Lee Myerson

In person:
Fish Hoek, Cape Town, South Africa

Online sessions available.

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